Archive for May 15th, 2012

A Classical Day

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May 15 2012

Northern Pacific 15 May 2012 04:01 34N06 167W37

We had a classical day today. We’re passing the Musician’s Seamounts, a mass of mounts with musician’s names. Verdi, Bellini, Rossini, Puccini, Scarletti, Donizetti, Strauss, Schubert, Brahms, Dvorek, Stravinsky, Ravel, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Liszt, Mozart, Handel Maaaaaahler and even Hammerstein and a frenchy Bizet (pour les francaises ou plutot la famille de Frank: “Dorefore ton cul n’ést pas en or, ni en argent ni en fer blanc…”) So we played all we had and sang along when we could (oui on a eu de la pluie apres). I will have to ask my trusty correspondents to research who came up with that naming scheme and when. Elvis and the Clash were not represented. I find it fitting to be passing these as we sailed past San Diego, since Barbara’s radio is locked to the classical channel, our perpendicular greetings from parallel planes included audio.

We were thrilled last night when snap, snap, snap, three in a row, the sun set on our long fishing dryspell. We caught 2 small dorado and one fat 40# bigeye tuna. Frank says the bigeye was a baby (hard to imagine), and the dorado had eggs, so were fully mature despite their petite stature. They were a quarter the size of the Mahimahi we caught south of the equator. Maybe dorado and mahimahi are actually different breeds – same beautiful color and same delicious taste though – yum. Even small there’s still enough for a couple of meals at least. We have to stop fishing for awhile now, our freezer and bellies are full.

Yes I goofed the last post. We were due WEST of Ensenada, not East of SD. We’re now about due west of LA, currently Zuma beach to be more exact. I’m thinking of all our friends there and sending smiles your way. And extra special birthday greetings to Madeleine (double digits! I can’t believe it! Congrats! All grown up and going to the opera to boot, we played Wagner for you today, Die Valkyrie)

I may think it’s cold here, but Gart says it’s snowing in Homer (what are we thinking?? We could turn right any time now and be feasting with friends in days)
