Just off Minerva Reef

Posted by admin
Oct 23 2010

SW of Minerva Reef 24 Oct 2010 24.6465S 178.9351W

Lots of lines to cross in this ocean. We passed the Tropic of Capricorn a degree of latitude ago, and we’ll pass from the western hemisphere to the eastern, a degree of longitude from now. We would be passing the dateline for the first time here, if the king of Tonga hadn’t decided that he would rather be the first king on the planet to see the sun rise, than the last king on the planet to see the sun set. Rumor has it that he decreed the dateline should go around Tonga for this reason. I don’t know which king (the current king has only been in place for 5 years or so), and I’ve only fact-checked this with my onboard walking Google (Frank), so feel free to verify this one for yourselves.

We’re flying along right now, with 25 knots of wind, and a boat-speed of 8-9 knots (peaking at 10 when we surf down some waves). This with just the jib and a partial staysail (our mainsail and fisherman are stowed) There are two catamarans behind us, and Silver Lining is like that famous old heavy hipped mare someone mentioned recently that has everyone all excited, the one that won’t let the younger, faster, svelter guys win in the final stretch. Silver Lining is barreling through these seas making mincemeat of any swell that tries to slow her down. Course, that means some of that liquid mincemeet is finding its way through hatches and holes and dripping into the cabin here and there, but a small price to pay for getting to New Zealand in time for my birthday. Normally this 1200 miles would be about a 10-12 day passage for us. But if this weather window stays wide open with the breeze a blowin’ through, curtains flying in the wind, we could make it in 8. Gotta love a good weather window.


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