Turned North

Posted by admin
May 13 2012

Northern Pacific 13 May 2012 03:57 30N13 168W48

I spotted my first fishing boat tonight, and we had our first fish on (then fish off, sigh) today – the two must be related. The wind picked up this afternoon, but on the nose, so we headed north. We now have a lot of west in the bank – looks like we’ll be able to deposit some more with calm weather predicted ahead. Our position is roughly due south of Dutch Harbor and due east of San Diego. We’re not beating too badly now since it’s calm west of us, making for small seas. As Frank predicted we are able to point upwind about 15-20 degrees better with our new square fisherman (well, not really square its a trapezoid, the old one is a triangle). That makes the captain happy. Turning the engine off makes me happy even if we’re going upwind. The rest of the crew are happy they’re not in school.

It’s decidedly chillier, I’m not sure exactly how much chillier, our electronic weather station just died (just out of warrantee)…did I mention electronics don’t do well on a boat…I think maybe they don’t do well period and warrantee really means death warrant. Our old fashioned barometer works fine, but I have to dig in the kid’s drawer to find a mercury thermometer in their science kit.

All sailing talk tonight, no great epiphanies. That’s what I get for reading trash on watch, when I should be daydreaming.


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