Safe and sound in La Paz

Posted by admin
Feb 11 2010

11 Feb 2010 La Paz
Mag Bay to La Paz Picassa Pictures
No big stories or news to tell today. We had a slow and uneventful trip around the tip of Baja and up into the Sea of Cortez. Lots of time to read aloud to the kids from Steinbeck and Ricketts’ Log of the Sea of Cortez. I can’t believe he and the Doc didn’t like the mangroves; they only saw them in La Paz; they didn’t stop in Bahia Magdalena, maybe that’s why. Here the mangroves are configured a little differently, they don’t have the same endless winding tendrils. Given the wonderful descriptions of the teaming life in the tidepools, I can’t believe they would not also love the mangroves.

Otherwise we’ve had some cloudy weather, a little rain and winds from the south instead of the prevailing north winds. It would have been perfect weather yesterday to head up deeper into the Sea, but looks like we may have a visit from Frank’s mom, sooner than expected, so we’re waiting here, provisioning, catching up on school and beginning the endless search for a WiFi connection to catch up with email. Frank’s having tooth trouble too, so we’ll be looking for a dentist to take a look. Yes we have everyday days too.


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One Response

  1. Lisa says:

    We ended our IDRE-HASIS by checking your progress … sigh … needless to say, but we all miss you terribly, and are very jealous. (We’re relieved that you have land in sight … sideways, not down.) Looking forward to the day we can share cocktails of many colors. LMS and WW

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