Early doldrums?

Posted by admin
Mar 30 2010

Pacific Ocean 30 March 2010 18.8146N 113.6459W

A swell from distant winds rolls on through, but the surface of the water shows barely a ripple. No wind at all, the trades we’re seeking seem to be hiding further south and east of us. The predictions promise better wind in 3-4 days! So the little blue engine says yes we can. And all the soaring birds are coming here to roost, exhausted by the lack of wind to give them lift. There was a boobie on the solar panel all night, maybe he was spying, and on seeing the weather charts, told his buddies, “3-4 more days of flapping, might as well stick around here for the ride.” A lone tuna followed right next to the boat for a ways this morning, hoping we’d scare up some vittles. Little did he know we were hoping he’d join us for dinner. Logan saw a tropic bird this morning, where’s my tropic bird? Maybe I need to get up earlier.

There’s actually an island up ahead of us somewhere – Clarion. Maybe we’ll see it tomorrow. We’ve seen no other boats or land in 2 days…with many more days to go. The ocean is indeed vast, but look at that latitude shrink, 18 degrees to the equator.

Lots of reading going on; maybe I should be writing book reviews instead of describing moments aboard, much of life aboard is in those books right now. Sleeping is going a little better I think. Hey, Frank just slowed the engine, that’s either fish or wind, I better go check.


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