Happy Easter!

Posted by admin
Apr 04 2010

Pacific Ocean 4 April 2010 14.1911N 122.1915W

I’m early today for a position report, but I wanted to get in my Happy Easter early. Thanks to reminders from my correspondents, I actually remembered that it was Easter. My midnight to 4 a.m. watch passed quickly with the distracting activity of being an assistant to the Easter Bunny. I dug some of the green plastic strawberry containers out of the plastic trash (berries from our last day in LaPaz), attached pirate bunnies drawn on paper and filled them with very festive looking Mexican candies we’d picked up in La Paz as gifts for kids in the islands. Logan is in heaven, but too sweet for Kennan. I tasted one, and was surprised that it tasted sweeter than a straight spoonfull of sugar. How can anything taste sweeter than raw sugar?! The good news is those strawberry baskets are a lot smaller than your average Easter basket.

Here’s an apt paragraph for today from Ricket’s and Steinbeck’s log:

“And all this against the hot beach on an Easter Sunday, with the passing day and the passing time. This little trip of ours was becoming a thing and a dual thing, with collecting and eating and sleeping merging with the thinking-speculating activity. Quality of sunlight, blueness and smoothness of water, boat engines, and our-selves were all parts of a larger whole and we could begin to feel it’s nature but not its size.”

Wishing you all a quality day with friends and family and lots of egg collecting, eating and sleeping merged with that thinking-speculating activity. I would recommend avoiding the Jack Daniels though (especially in the quantities Ed and John consumed – the captain of their boat claimed they’d finish a bottle of Jack/day – even Frank is blushing). Stick with a moderate amount of champagne or wine – tomorrow is after all Monday.


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